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This blog will provide info and updates on the US tour of Wolf Hogekamp, Lars Rupple, and Sebastian 23, who are attending the National Poetry Slam in Minnesota.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Green Mille - I am the new wrong - Wolf Hogekamp

green mille - chicago, 31.7.2010
host: marc kelly smith
An exception would be Wolf Hogekamp, a performer in the already mentioned "bastardslam." He sharply and comically describes both life on a traffic island and the world shrunk to the size of a traffic island. Hogekamp, one generation older than most poets in the scene, is not caught up in the scene's tautology of affirmation and critique. His expression encompasses his strength. He possesses something of the incorruptibility of the best rap that comes with a freedom of the tongue that doesn't complain if caught in an unfavorable place.
Konrad Engelschall

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